Medical Scan Alert & Medicare-Medicaid Regulatory Search
A comprehensive effective tool in identifying individuals and entities at all levels of the medical and health care fields including individuals, professionals and providers, vendors, medical product purveyors, ancillary medical services, and any related medical entity. This is a must for those participating in Medicaid/Medicare, social services, childcare, elder care and services, and any Federal health care programs. This background investigation identifies possible sanctions or adverse actions such as exclusions, termination of license, probations and debarments Medicaid/Medicare fraud, and much more from over 800 Federal and State resources, the OIG, GSA and all 50 states. It is advised that, in addition to new hires, a minimum of a yearly screening program be set up for all companies/employees falling under these guidelines. Because this is a nationwide repository search, possible negative information obtained must be verified by the specific reporting agency and additional charges may apply.

Do you really know who’s working for you?